Sunday, December 21, 2008

Making up for Saturday's Picture of the Day

Hi all! A little late but it's here. Enjoy!

How much can you do to a photograph? Editing creates incredible moods for pictures that can't be achieved otherwise. Although some photographers disagree, editing is a huge asset to the field of photography. Look at the difference bettwen these two photos. The below is a "before" picture and the above is and "After" picture. Although some may like the before picture better, (It's all a matter of taste) the after picture has created a completely different mood and mindset for the viewer. What do you think? Vote on my poll!

1 comment:

Melissa Cockman Photography said...

Guess you got my vote...My two-cents: I like the original, on the bottom. The edited makes me a bit disoriented unto what exactly is the subject and where my eye should flow upon the image. I guess we're learning that sometimes an image is best left in the purest of form in order to appreciate its natural beauty in life. Beautiful work, Em...keep shootin!