To be honest, I don't have much to update anyone on. I've been going out to the barn every day for the past few days to work on Buddy's feet. Seems that he, and the other mares have developed White Line in their hooves. ( ) So until his feet grow out, I've gotta keep them cleaned out and treated. Oh joy.... :-S He's such a soldier though! This little thing he has now is nothing compared to the thrush he had in all four feet when I bought him. He's become and old pro now at giving me his feet and even knows what foot I'll do next and picks it up and holds it there for me. :-P I put a neck reign on him yesterday and jumped up on him bareback for a short ride in the pasture. He did great! Ok, anyways, enough bragging on my Buddy... I hope you all have a wonderful day today! May God bless u!

Front to back> Zippy, Reva, and Buddy

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