Today was my photography class's first field trip. We went to Stone Mountain State Park in NC. It was just beautiful! That word or my pictures can't even describe it. I have got to find a way to get up there again. Michael G drove me up there. And yes, for anyone who wants to know, I was up by 6:45 AM on a SATURDAY. :-P We only stayed for an hour or two and then we had to head back but it was definitely worth it. I hope you enjoy the pix!

Widow's Creek Falls at Stone Mountain

Widow's Creek Falls at Stone Mountain
Another view of the falls...

Some moss with the water in the background. Kinda simple. But it's pretty.

A view through the trees... (This was looking right out above the waterfall actually.)

One of many different deer that had come out of the forest it eat the grass by the road. They all looked like they needed it too. lol

Deer #2 was kind enough to look up when I whistled. The others paid no attention.

Like this guy... Made no difference to him whether I was in the car or out. I think he would have let me hand feed him had I tried but we were in a hurry so I stayed in the car.

Guess who?

Another view through the trees. Gorgeous.

I thought this was such a peaceful scene. The stream is a bit filled up with logs and stuff, but it caught my eye. :-)

Historic Hutchinson Homestead

A wild turkey! :-D Or the tail feathers of one anyways.

The wall of a shed onthe homestead. You could only see inside through some cracks but there was farm equipment and dried tobacco leaves hanging inside.

This pic might look a little odd. But that's because it was my first attempt at layering forground and backgrounf images. I took this pic twice. Once with the exposure set for the inside of the barn (The tabacco leaves) and once with it set for the wall of the barn on the outside. So I got one image with BRIGHT washed out walls. And one image with darkness in the middle. This is the result of combining. Could use a little work for sure, but I'm learning every so slowly. :-)
1 comment:
you got some really awesome shots Saturday. I guess I should have went. Hopefully I can make it to the next one!!
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