I was over at Melissa and Ben's house one evening with Michael. Just a regular jigger evening! At about 10:00, Melissa and I decide to make pancakes. Well... Why not make BLUEBERRY pancakes while we're at it? Neither one of us had tried it before but there's always a first right??Above is our very first attempt at blueberry pancakes... Now you can decide for yourself. Did we do a good job? Or should I say, "Can you tell what it is?" Hey, stop laughing!

MIA: Last seen bouncing off the walls... And then trying to fix them back.
Just kidding! This is Elijah helping me remove my wallpaper border so I could repaint my room. Being a nut as always!

Bet you'll never guess the story behind this picture!! This was taken at a girls sleep-over. Still can't guess? A bunch of us slept in the living room floor and before we went to sleep, decided to spice it up a bit. We went around the neighborhood friends collecting stringed lights and then proceeded to do the most EXTREME living room makover ever! I still remember it perfectly! It had an incredible effect once the lights were out!

A hiking trip? Sure enough! Me and Michael went hiking somewhere... I can't remember where, and along the trail this guy was showing some people his bird. (Why he had brought it hiking up the side of a mountain, I don't know) I don't much care for birds. I didn't like this one either. lol Michael held him first though and I eventually gave in and held him also. I went to pet him (Reaching around behind of course--I wasn't getting near that beak of his) and he tried to bite me!! The guy said he had a personality and that he wouldn't let anyone pet him unless they come from in front. It took a lot of nerve, but I tried it that way and he was a happy little camper then. Cute bird! But I still don't care for them. :-S

hahaha! This picture cracks me up every time I see it. Partly because I was suffering from insufficient oxygen. Partly because of the look on my face.
I was a bridesmaid two years ago at Jana and Caleb's wedding. The bridesmaid dress was beautiful! That's all I have good to say about it... When I had the dress fitted the fitting lady told me I wore a size 2. I was like, "There's no possible way..." So I got a size 4. Should have been enough extra room to work with right? Well, a size 4 fit perfectly. If I weighed 1 ounce more it would have been too tight. Well, guess what comes after the wedding? You guessed it! The reception. Guess what happens at a reception? You eat! In this picture I was slowly figuring out that my dress fit a teeny bit too snug... Thus the insufficient oxygen part of my problem, and that peculiar look on my face.
1 comment:
oh la...I forgot about those pancakes...how yummy! ahahaa
I updated the blog just for YOU!
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