Hi everyone! Or two whomever may visit this site. Welcome to my page. I'm gonna work hard to keep this thing updated. But if y'all know me as well as I think you do, you give me a -10% chance of doing that. :-P Anyways, a bit about me... My name is Emily or Em if you like nicknames. I am an aspiring photographer and at the moment, I'm in the midsts of taking a class. I finished a basic photography class last month and now I'm working on Nature Photography. It takes me a while to catch on to things but once I get the, I've got them. So this site is to help me learn. I want your opinions on my work! I'm not sure if this thing shows any form of contact (I'm not to blogspot) but my e-mail is
imemylee@yahoo.com if you'd like to drop me a line and tell me how I'm doing. Below are a few shots I took while giving my horse a bath. The quality of the pix could be better. That's what a good photographer strives for. Yes, I'm still striving. Working on getting apertures and exposure lengths set right for that perfect shot!!
For the time being... Paint Shop Pro will have to get the job done. :-S Here are some before and afters of my picture editing.


AFTER /\ After tweaking colors a bit


AFTER /\ After tweaking colors and removing neck rope from pic.
Now, if I were REALLY good, I'd destroy that trash can in the back ground...

AFTER /\ After adjusting colors, and removing neck rope and hose. ;-) No one will ever know where that water was coming from now. lol Or no proof at least.
And this is me and my Buddy :-) \/